• PH (0977) 7706743
    PH +63 2 86336789 Singapore: +6568186251
  • MANILA OFFICE: 19th Floor Sapphire Road, Marco Polo Ortigas Center, Pasig City National Capitol Region, Philippines
    SINGAPORE: 531A Upper Cross Street #04-95 HONG LIM Complex Singapore (051531)
    UEN: 202221994W

Background Verification

Background verification, also known as a background check, is the process of verifying the accuracy and completeness of an individual's personal, professional, educational, and criminal history.

Civil Court Records

Civil record checking is the process of verifying an individual's civil history, typically through a search of public records. Civil records refer to legal proceedings related to non-criminal matters, such as lawsuits, judgments, bankruptcies, and other legal actions.

Criminal Background Checks

Criminal background checks are commonly used by employers, landlords, and other organizations to screen potential employees, tenants, and other individuals with whom they may be engaging in business.
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Some easy steps

Our verification team consists of a diverse group of subject matter experts who possess relevant and current operational experience in managing and conducting complex employment screening.

Address Verification

It’s important to understand that
while your customer provides their complete address for verification, only the numeric portion of the address is verified by the issuer.

Credit Checks

A credit checks is a statement that has information about your credit activity and current credit situation such as loan paying history and the status of your credit accounts.

Due Diligence

The detailed examination of a company and its financial records, done before becoming involved in a business arrangement with it.

Employment Checks

Employment checks is the process
of confirming the accuracy
of the information a candidate provides on their CV, including
details such as previous employers, job titles, and dates of employment.
Statistics Global Report

Demographics of Employee Theft

  • Men conduct 72% of all occupational fraud. (ACFE, 2020) 
  • The median age of employees found guilty of committing occupational theft is 48. (Hiscox, 2017)
  • Managers committed 39% of occupational fraud cases, staff members 37%, executives/owners 23%, and others 2%. (ACFE, 2022) 
Our work flow

Corpnet Global background and identity solutions can help you navigate uncertainty and create a safer work environment.

Contact us

Get in touch for any kind of help and informations

Our head office address:

19th Floor Sapphire Road, Marco Polo Ortigas, Ortigas Center, Pasig City NCR Philippines

We are here to help:

PH Phone: +63 2 86336789
PH Fax: +63 2 86336503
Mobile No. +639176288308
PH Mobile No. +639777706743
United States No. +13478339866

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