

Corpnet Global background and identity solutions can help you navigate uncertainty and create a safer work environment.

Our verification team consists of a diverse group of subject matter experts who possess relevant and current operational experience in managing and conducting complex employment screening.

Background Verification

Background verification, also known as a background check, is the process of verifying the accuracy and completeness of an individual's personal, professional, educational, and criminal history.

Civil Court Records

Civil record checking is the process of verifying an individual's civil history, typically through a search of public records. Civil records refer to legal proceedings related to non-criminal matters, such as lawsuits, judgments, bankruptcies, and other legal actions.

Criminal Background Checks

Criminal background checks are commonly used by employers, landlords, and other organizations to screen potential employees, tenants, and other individuals with whom they may be engaging in business.

Address Verification

By verifying address information wherever it is collected—on your website, CMS, contact centers, or existing addresses in your database—you ensure that the data you have is clean and complete for usage. As a result, you will increase customer service and brand satisfaction, make better data-driven decisions, and save money.

General Screening

Civil Court Records
Criminal Background Checks
Global Checks
Motor Vehicle Records
Sanction, Risk and Compliance
Social Media Searches
Social Security Number Trace
Adverse Media
Civil Litigation

Identity and Biometrics

Finger Printing
Identity Verification
Address Verification
Passport and ID Validation

Financial and Business

Credit Reports
Executive Investigations
Leins, Judgments, Bankruptcies
Financial Regulatory

Credit Checks

Degree Verification
Employment Checks
License Verification
Performance Feedback

Drug and Health Screening

COVID-19 Health Testing

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